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Exploring the depths of the ocean for the benefit of the world

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Deep Water Environmental Landers

The Earth’s oceans and seas are under unprecedented threats from numerous stressors.  We believe a healthy ocean determines our global capability to sustain healthy populations, robust economies, and indeed sustain our very future on Earth.  Our capacity to understand, predict, adapt to, and improve ocean health, and the health of those who depend upon the ocean, is severely limited by our lack of data and understanding of ocean processes. Our oceans are more mysterious to us than the surface of Mars – whose surface is more comprehensively surveyed and mapped then our own seafloor. To this end, ODS has partnered with Fugro USA Marine to embark on an equipment development program to enable the efficient collection of ocean data from autonomous environmental landers, specifically designed to be configured for deep water (up to 6000 m) and deployed in remote locations that are often under-sampled and under-studied.  Developing cost-effective, reusable, and reconfigurable tools to support ocean data collection is one way we seek to contribute to our collective understanding of the ocean and its processes.



Ocean Data Solutions LLC is a philanthropic and commercial investment group that supports marine exploration, the collection and dissemination of ocean data in support of deserving and socially-relevant challenges, and seeks investment opportunities where such data can contribute to societal or commercial benefits arising from improved knowledge of our oceans. Our partnerships enable us to maximize our impact in these areas. It is ODS’s firm belief that philanthropy can, and does, drive positive economic return, if capital is directed at pertinent challenges such as Sea Level Rise, Food Security, Clean and Renewable Energy, Sustainable Aquaculture, and a host of other topics that share a common origin – a known and healthy ocean.

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Creating a safe and livable world.





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